
for your


packaging design

Tissue boxes
Credit : Daphné Voisine


To rebrand a commonplace product in a way that that would provide greater awareness about mental health, with the goal of reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues, brought by the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec.

Detail shot of box
Credit : Daphné VoisinePackaging standing
Credit : Daphné Voisine
Animation side box
Credit : Daphné Voisine
Hand taking a tissue
Credit : Daphné Voisine


The pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health worldwide and led to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. It has also made it more challengingfor individuals to access mental health resources, resulting in many people struggling with their mental health without adequate support. This product, sponsored by the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec, serves as gentle reminder of the importance of mental health, as well as a tool to increase understanding of mental health issues and its impacts.


“Tissues for Your Issues” is a series of boxes addressing three different mental health issues: depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. As a starting point, a muted color palette wasestablished reflecting key characteristics associated with each disorder. A critical aspect of the project was the text hierarchy, which allows readers to easily access the information presented.Therefore, to create a final product that is respectful to the matter, yet visually engaging, a font with varying scale and weight was thoughtfully arranged across the five sides of the tissue boxes.Additionally, a container box was created as a way to display all three tissue boxes, along with additional information about mental health in a more general matter.

Three boxes with container
Credit : Daphné Voisine

3 boxes & container


The project effectively tackles the destigmatization of mental health issues by using a common object in an engaging and aesthetically pleasing way. As someone who has struggled with mental health issues for most of my life, I consider this project to be particularly significant, allowing people to have a discussion around these topics.


To rebrand a commonplace product in a way that that would provide greater awareness about mental health, with the goal of reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues, brought by the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec.

Hand taking a tissue
Credit : Daphné Voisine


The pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health worldwide and led to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. It has also made it more challengingfor individuals to access mental health resources, resulting in many people struggling with their mental health without adequate support. This product, sponsored by the Ordre des Psychologues du Québec, serves as gentle reminder of the importance of mental health, as well as a tool to increase understanding of mental health issues and its impacts.

Animation side box
Credit : Daphné Voisine
Three boxes with container
Credit : Daphné Voisine


“Tissues for Your Issues” is a series of boxes addressing three different mental health issues: depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. As a starting point, a muted color palette wasestablished reflecting key characteristics associated with each disorder. A critical aspect of the project was the text hierarchy, which allows readers to easily access the information presented.Therefore, to create a final product that is respectful to the matter, yet visually engaging, a font with varying scale and weight was thoughtfully arranged across the five sides of the tissue boxes.Additionally, a container box was created as a way to display all three tissue boxes, along with additional information about mental health in a more general matter.


The project effectively tackles the destigmatization of mental health issues by using a common object in an engaging and aesthetically pleasing way. As someone who has struggled with mental health issues for most of my life, I consider this project to be particularly significant, allowing people to have a discussion around these topics.